Who We Are
We are based in Phoenix's East Valley focused on restoring hope through biblical counsel. |
We believe that the Bible is superior and sufficient in its understanding of the human psyche (soul, heart, or motivational center). We recognize that although there is much to be gained from modern secular theoretical ideas developed in counseling and psychology (and we have gained much as counselors through our studies of their findings), we do not build our methodologies on the foundations of these secular theories because they do not take into account the wisdom of
Psalm 139:1-17; Proverbs 16:9; Acts 17:28
Here's a glimpse of the worldview out of which we counsel. |
We Have Met the Enemy and He is Us: Although we all have many external problems and perhaps even external enemies, our greatest enemy is our sin and self-centeredness. Rather than a heart that loves God and neighbor, we all struggle with fundamental desires to hide from God and serve self. These desires poison all of our relationships, destroy our own lives, and alienate us from the God who loves us.
Romans 7:14-23, Galatians 5:19-21, Galatians 6:7-8, Ephesians 4:22-23
Grace is What We Need: What gives a sinful, hiding, suffering person the power to change? It is not good advice, great tools for communication, or even the eternal and holy law of God. Although all of those are helpful and have their place in our lives, they cannot ultimately save us from our selfish hearts. Grace (undeserved favor), the message of unconditional love spoken to guilty sinners before they ever change, is what transforms our hearts. Jesus is the Savior who lived the perfect life we failed to live and then died in our place satisfying God’s wrath and carrying out His mission of love. No matter what sin we have committed, as we place our trust in Jesus rather than in ourselves, we stand in grace. God the Father sees us, loves us, and accepts as, just as He sees, loves and accepts the True Son, Jesus.
Ephesians 2:1-6, 2 Corinthians 12:8-9, Romans 8:1
God Has Spoken and We Must Listen If We Want to Truly Live: We often think of “life” as a good job, a happy marriage, or achieving our dreams. But God says that He is life and that His Word gives life. Scripture is God’s love letter to His people. When we read of his love for us expressed so fully, perfectly, and finally in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, it transforms us. And when we read of His wisdom in how to live for His glory in this dying world, we find love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control. That is, as we listen to God, we find life in God, and then His life flows through us and finally we are able to live and experience this life the way we were always supposed to. We become free.
Hebrews 4:12, John 8:32, John 1:1-5